Support the CEDC
As a business or an individual, you can help us make the Collegeville area a great place to live and do business. Your tax-deductible contribution of any amount is greatly appreciated!
We are in need of committee members to help plan, organize and run events, and others to staff them on the day of the event. If you could volunteer to help us at even one event a year that would really help us out.
Sponsor An Event
We welcome organizations to sponsor CEDC Community Events. There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities available, and we can customize your sponsorship to suit your business.
Be an Event Vendor
If you are interested in participating as a food or drink vendor for a CEDC event, let us know!
Support Our Business Sponsors
We are grateful for the contributions and in-kind services provided by area businesses and organizations. We hope you’ll visit their websites to learn more about them and support them as well.